A Message From Barbara Kelly

This is one of my favorite photos of the Sportsman’s Club location. It’s hard to believe that we started with three buildings all those years ago. Yes, we all missed being & fishing in Rivers Inlet during this pandemic. So many of you were disappointed your marvelous fishing adventure with us had to be put on hold until 2021.

We have not been idle – No one took a break. Simon, Stephanie & Cathy have been working daily on reservations & other business items – no days off for them.

Our lodge caretakers, Robin & Sarah, give us regular reports on the weather in Rivers Inlet – the lodge is waiting for us to get back & up & running in July next year. Our engines were all professionally winterized & some boats refurbished thanks to Mike & his team at Port Boat House for all the service over the past 35 years. Sean, Brian & Alex from three different companies are involved in working on marketing & advertising including revising parts of our website. John has overseen our lodge maintenance, rig-ups & rig-downs & towing for all the years since 1984.

We are deeply grateful to all for their services & you our valued clientele for all your loyalty & support. From all of us, we wish you peace, contentment & good health over this holiday season & the coming year, Barbara, Cathy, Simon & Stephanie.

P.S. Please contact us, we’d love to hear from you –  info@riverinlet.com or 800-663-2644