Why Rivers Inlet?

Why the Rivers Inlet Sportsman’s Club?

BIG trophy world-record breaking sized salmon, is the reason the Sportsman’s Club is situated at the ocean end of Rivers Inlet on the central coast of beautiful British Columbia (BC). For over 35 years the Kelly Family has built, owned & operated the fishing lodge. The Canadian Federal Government agency that regulates the number of salmon our guests can retain/take home, the Department of Fisheries & Oceans (DFO), has recently enacted some new conservation measures that restrict the retaining of Chinook/King salmon in certain areas in BC at specific times. The good news for us in Rivers Inlet is that for our entire July/August season our guests will still be able to retain up to 4 of the largest species of salmon as part of their total 8 salmon. These are known by several names – Chinook, King, Spring, Tyee, Pig, Slab, Hog, you get the idea … they are BIG! Being the largest of the salmon species, they remain in the ocean the longest (up to 7 years) before returning to their home river.

The Sportsman’s Club Chinook salmon record catch weight is 72.5 lbs.  Usually, the biggest retained at the Sportsman’s Club each summer is around 60 lbs. & are caught only minutes from the lodge around the Wall or Kevin’s Corner.

Other species of salmon our guests catch are coho, pink & chum. These too are caught close to the lodge, but sometimes guests travel a little further to Calvert Island for an exciting morning of fishing before returning to the lodge for lunch & then straight back out for the afternoon & then again in the evening after dinner.
In summary, the 2019 DFO Regulations for fish retention at the Rivers Inlet Sportsman’s Club remain the same as they have been for over 30 years. You can catch & bring home: 8 salmon (4 Chinook & 4 other salmon), 2 halibut & 4 lingcod, so you will be bringing home a nice box of filets to enjoy with family & friends!

Book your trip today & then plan some BBQs on your return from your fishing adventures on the rugged & remote BC coast. Contact us today to secure your spot as our last available trips are filling up fast! Call: 1-800-663-2644   info@riversinlet.com   Text: 604-938-3677

More Time on the Water = More Fish

One important aspect of successfully catching any species of fish, & salmon in particular, is to spend as much time on the water as possible. It is a simple “numbers game” that if your rod is in the water fishing effectively for more hours you will get more bites & thus more fish. The Sportsman’s Club is so close to the regular guests’ favourite fishing holes that it’s a breeze to go out & back from the lodge in minutes. The day begins with your wake-up call at 5:15 AM sharp. Breakfast is at 5:30 AM & then you head out on the water usually by around 6:00 AM. This is “go time" & everyone is up & at it, as the morning fishing is typically the most productive. After the morning fish, our guests head back to lodge for lunch at 11:30 AM. After lunch & dinner (at 5:30 PM) & until curfew at 9:00 PM, it’s the same procedure. Guests come back in for a quick meal, drop off their catch for processing & then our dedicated dock hosts quickly refuel & re-provision your boat & you head right back out fishing again. This gives our guests the opportunity to take full advantage of the very long days of summer to be out catching the most fish as they are on the water when “the bite” turns on. Also it is important to “commit” to a fishing spot for a critical amount of time to make sure that you have a line in the water when the bit turns on. It is always a bit disconcerting when a guest recounts their morning telling us how they tried “everywhere”. The saying goes that … “the boat that comes back with the most fuel usually has the most fish!”

Of course, many of our guests prefer a more relaxed pace & like to take a break here & there throughout the day to nap, read a book or just reflect on the natural beauty & wonders of BC’s wilderness. Other guests fish with more intensity being the first off the dock as soon as it is daylight, sometimes taking a packed lunch & returning to the dock right at 9:00 PM after an entire day on the water. Besides the world-class trophy fishing there is the breath-taking scenery with snow-capped mountains reaching down to the sea. And then there is the wildlife. Bald eagles might come by to say hello, or the occasional river otter or seal poking its head out of the water to check you out, or even a whale or dolphin putting on an acrobatic display as they dance & breach in the air.

If you have not already done so, do not hesitate to book your fishing trip today, don’t allow procrastination to rob you of a great time fishing with family, friends or business associates.

Call: 1-800-663-2644   info@riversinlet.com  Text: 604-938-3677

Guest Testimonial

Rivers Inlet Sportsmens ClubHi Barb & Simon
My Dad passed away a few years ago but here are a few pictures from the past from our trip to your wonderful Lodge.
I look at them every time I get one of your update letters to remind me of the great fun we had. This was the most memorable trips we ever had together & I thank you again for your great Lodge hospitality and staff.

My youngest son & I take trips every year to the coast and we have traveled it up & down creating memories but none rival those my Dad & I got at your lodge.

I hope one day to be able to bring my son & maybe grandson to your lodge to create some of those same memories.
Bob S./USA

Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice

Spiced caramelised salmon served on a bed of savoury rice with feta and veggies.  This Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice is colourful, healthy and delicious!


-1 tbsp olive oil
-1 red onion peeled and chopped finely
-2 cloves garlic
-1/2 tsp paprika
-1/2 tsp turmeric
-1/2 tsp coriander
-4 cardamom pods sew them together so you can easily fish them out later
-200 g easy cook rice
-1 chicken or vegetable stock cube or 1 tsp veg bouillon for gluten free
-Boiling water – to cook the rice
-1 green bell pepper chopped finely
-5 cherry/small tomatoes chopped into small pieces
-150 g crumbled feta
-Juice of half a lemon
-A pinch of salt and pepper
-Small bunch of flat leaf parsley roughly torn

-4 Salmon fillets
-2 tbsp olive oil
-2 tbsp dark brown sugar
-1/2 tsp garlic powder
-1 1/2 tbsp paprika
-½ tsp salt
-1 tsp black pepper

-Start with the rice – Heat the oil in a medium-sized saucepan and add the onion. Cook for 3-4 minutes in a medium heat until the onions starts to soften. Add in the garlic, paprika, turmeric, coriander and cardamom pods. Give it a stir and allow to cook for a minute.

-Add in the rice and a crumbled stock cube. Stir until the stock cube is incorporated and then pour boiling water from the kettle over until the rice is covered by about 1cm of water. Stir once more and then leave to simmer gently for 15-18 minutes until the rice is tender. You may need to add a little more water if the pan starts to boil dry (but you shouldn’t need to drain off any water at the end).

-Whilst the rice is cooking, start on the salmon. Mix 1 and 1/2 tbsp of the oil with the sugar, garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper. Press onto the flesh side of the salmon fillets.

-Heat the remaining ½ tbsp. oil in a frying pan and place the salmon in the pan, skin-side-down. Cook for 3-4 minutes on a medium heat, then place under a grill (broiler) and continue to cook for another 4-5 minutes until the spicy coating is dark and caramelized and the salmon is cooked through. Remove from the grill.

-Once the rice is cooked, remove the cardamom pods and discard. Stir in the green pepper, cherry tomatoes, feta, lemon juice, salt & pepper and the parsley.

-Dish the rice onto 4 plates and top with a salmon fillet. You can also serve with Salsa.